Friday, December 30, 2005

Now here's some good planning: a new Ottoman empire

Things to do today:

  • become president
  • allow 9/11 to happen
  • use it as a pretext to invade Iraq
  • oops, no WMD
  • oops, no 9/11 connection
  • So.... we'll bring democracy to Iraq.
  • After three years of occupation and brutality, Iraqis voted for a shiite theocracy? Go figure.
  • Now that we've set up an Iran-friendly Iraq, let's attack Iran.

World Peace Herald

Do they work at being stupid or does it come naturally? They're making us safe by uniting Tehran and Baghdad into a new Otttoman empire, focused on us.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I am not a Male Nanny

Very good article from the perspective of a stay-at-home dad.>1=7461